Title: echor 0.1.6 Ruby Gem exposes login credentials Date: 1/14/2014 Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0 Download: http://rubygems.org/gems/echor Description: Echo ruby wrapper Vulnerability: in file echor-0.1.6/lib/echor/backplane.rb: The function perform_request passes sensitive data to the shell and unsanitized user input, if this gem is used in a rails application a user could get remote command injection simply by putting a semi-colon in their username or password. 45 def perform_request(data) 46 JSON.parse(`curl -u #{Echo.backplane_user}:#{Echo.backplane_password} --data-binary '#{data}' #{@channel}`) 47 end Vendor: Not notified, I don't think this Gem is maintained anymore.