Remote command Injection if the filename or geometry values supplied by the user contain any shell meta characters. In the following code snippet, user supplied data is passed directly to the command line. ./attachment_on_the_fly-0.1.2/lib/attachment_on_the_fly.rb 94 if kind == "height" 95 # resize_image infilename, outfilename , 0, height 96 command = "#{convert_command_path}convert -colorspace RGB -geometry x#{height} -quality 100 -sharpen 1 #{original} #{newfilename} 2 >&1 > /dev/null" 97 elsif kind == "width" 98 # resize_image infilename, outfilename, width 99 command = "#{convert_command_path}convert -colorspace RGB -geometry #{width} -quality 100 -sharpen 1 #{original} #{newfilename} 2>& 1 > /dev/null" 100 elsif kind == "both" 101 # resize_image infilename, outfilename, height, width 102 command = "#{convert_command_path}convert -colorspace RGB -geometry #{width}x#{height} -quality 100 -sharpen 1 #{original} #{newfil ename} 2>&1 > /dev/null" 103 end 104 105 `#{command}` If a file contains a shell meta character like ';' for example code can be injected into the command line. Larry W. Cashdollar @_larry0