TITLE: Remote command Injection in Ruby Gem lipsiadmin 5.1.9

DATE: 6/3/2013

AUTHOR: Larry W. Cashdollar (@_larry0)

DOWNLOAD: http://rubygems.org/gems/lipsiadmin, https://github.com/Lipsiasoft/lipsiadmin

DESCRIPTION: "Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects. Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js 3+. framework (with prototype adapter) and is ready for Rails 2.+"

VENDOR: Notifed on 6/5/2013

FIX: Vendor ACK'd - patch on the way.


DETAILS: The function method Attachment.run() is used to convert images ie resize, create thumbnails etc by passing the user supplied filename as an argument to various command line utilities supplied by ImageMagick. Shell meta characters aren't sanitized allowing a remote user to inject commands into the shell via ';'.


 74       def run(cmd, params = "", expected_outcodes = 0)
 75         command = %Q<#{%Q[#{path_for_command(cmd)} #{params}].gsub(/\s+/, " ")}>
 76         command = "#{command} 2>#{bit_bucket}" if Attachment.options[:swallow_stderr]
 77         output = `#{command}`
 78         unless [expected_outcodes].flatten.include?($?.exitstatus)
 79           raise AttachmentCommandLineError, "Error while running #{cmd}"
 80         end
 81         output
 82       end

From ./lib/data_base/attachment/geometry.rb:
     15       # Uses ImageMagick to determing the dimensions of a file, passed in as either a
     16       # File or path.
     17       def self.from_file(file)
     18         file = file.path if file.respond_to? "path"
     19         geometry = begin
     20                      Attachment.run("identify", %Q[-format "%wx%h" "#{file}"[0]])
     21                    rescue AttachmentCommandLineError
     22                      ""
     23                    end
From ./lib/data_base/attachment/thumbnail.rb:
46         command = <<-end_command
     47           "#{ File.expand_path(src.path) }[0]"
     48           #{ transformation_command }
     49           "#{ File.expand_path(dst.path) }"
     50         end_command
     52         begin
     53           success = Attachment.run("convert", command.gsub(/\s+/, " "))
     54         rescue AttachmentCommandLineError
     55           raise AttachmentError, "There was an error processing the thumbnail for #{@basename}" if @whiny
     56         end