Remote Command Injection Karteek Docsplit 0.5.4

Larry W. Cashdollar

User supplied input isn't sanitized against shell metacharacters and is fed directly to the shell. If the user is tricked into extracting a file with shell characters in the name code can be executed remotely.


 59     def extract_from_ocr(pdf, pages)
 60       tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir
 61       base_path = File.join(@output, @pdf_name)
 62       if pages
 63         pages.each do |page|
 64           tiff = "{tempdir}/{@pdf_name}{page}.tif"
 65           file = "{basepath}{page}"
 66           run "MAGICKTMPDIR={tempdir} OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 gm convert -despeckle +adjoin #{MEMORY_ARGS} #{OCR_FLAGS} {pdf}[{page - 1}] #{tiff} 2>&1"
 67           run "tesseract #{tiff} {file} -l eng 2>&1"
 68           clean_text(file + '.txt') if @clean_ocr
 69           FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tiff
 70         end
 71       else
 72         tiff = "{tempdir}/{@pdf_name}.tif"
 73         run "MAGICK_TMPDIR={tempdir} OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 gm convert -despeckle #{MEMORY_ARGS} #{OCR_FLAGS} #{pdf} #{tiff} 2>&1"
 74         run "tesseract #{tiff} #{base_path} -l eng 2>&1"
 75         clean_text(base_path + '.txt') if @clean_ocr
 76       end

Run is defined as:

 94     def run(command)
 95       result = `#{command}`
 96       raise ExtractionFailed, result if $? != 0
 97       result
 98     end